Archive for December 22, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2008 by Cristina

Not just a catchy mediocre song, it’s how I feel about writing this blog.  I was torn at the very beginning when I thought “who’d wanna read this anyways” and I answered it with, “a handful of people” and even if it’s no one, it’s a worthwhile way of recording amazing memories, but why do it via public-high-tech-way and not just a journal?  Well, as I’m reading a book quickly (so I can give it to a friend who’s undergoing an existential crisis), it’s making me rethink this blog idea.  It’s possible that I’m wasting my time typing this when I could be out there feeling the world firsthand and adding to my list of awesome experiences.  Here are someone’s wise words, long before the time of blogs and digg and text-messages:

“Huge seas of talk of every sort and kind in print, speech, and writing, will roll unceasingly over their civilized realms, involving an unbelievable waste in labor and time, and sapping the intelligence talk is supposed to upbuild.” This Simian World by Clarence Day (1920)

penitentiary fun

I might need to start putting my time toward other non-technology-communication activities, yeah, this picture is of dudes in a penitentiary but what they’re doing is WAY awesomer than what I’m doing right now.  We’ll see, we shall see.